Fuck this shit
Fuck this Shit draws inspiration from those moments where you have had enough and you want to shout it from the rooftops!
It is a phrase that works well in many settings, as it can be used to release tension and remove importance from something, or it can draw someone in with its emphatic tone! It is a phrase that grabs people's attention.
The whimsical design approach and blend with different backgrounds makes the message of the typography change, offering a lighter, at times, or even sarcastic tone, contradicting the message from the form.
It is a phrase that works well in many settings, as it can be used to release tension and remove importance from something, or it can draw someone in with its emphatic tone! It is a phrase that grabs people's attention.
The whimsical design approach and blend with different backgrounds makes the message of the typography change, offering a lighter, at times, or even sarcastic tone, contradicting the message from the form.
This artwork has been inspired by Simoneone.